Monday, August 11, 2008

Neil Diamond Concert

Ed's cousin somehow got free tickets to a Neil Diamond Concert so I figured what the heck might as well go. I'm thinking I would have never gone to this if the tickets weren't free. Eventhough I only knew like 3 songs it was still a fun night. The ticket said no cameras were allowed in, but I could have totally gotten mine by security. They weren't even checking your bags just asking if you had a camera and then taking your word for it. Wish I would have known because I missed a ton of great shots of Ed's mom dancing!!! HA HA

The lovely self portrait before leaving for the concert. And in case you are wondering... NO Ed did NOT go to this. He would NEVER!!

I'm only 5"6" but I felt like a giant next to these two!!!

Since I couldn't take my camera in, here is a picture of the shirt Ed's mom bought after the concert out on the street. She was cracking me up because she kept calling at a bogus shirt when she really meant to say boot leg!! HA HA HA !!

And then this is what I came home to! Lucky me!!

Jillian fast asleep

Marissa in bed reading a book

Ed watching T.V

and Max after greeting me at the door, ran up to bed to wait for me! Love that dog!


michelle said...

IM JEALOUS!! i wanted to go so bad. i LOVE neil diamond. swear to god!! ha. i took my mom last year and we had SO MUCH FUN! bridget and i were gonna take our moms but with not working i couldnt afford the tickets.

Daily dose of Dana said...

Hey Stacy my parents went too and My dad said he never heard so many people sing "sweet caroline" in sync like that!! He said it was great!!! glad you had fun!

Memories of us said...

Sweet Caroline was one of the three I actually knew. Along with I'm a believer and coming to America!! LOLDIdn;t realize so many people liked Neil Diamond.

Kristen said...

Yeah, it's like a cult!

Were you forever in blue jeans at the concert?

Jeff said...

My friends went to the show too. They had a good time and bought the real shirts. I guess they didn't know about the "bogus" ones outside. Haha Didn't know so many people were in to Neil Diamond.