Monday, July 21, 2008

Final Game

Well.... It's all over. Our final tournament game was last week. We lost 3 to 1 vs. Cheltenham. It was a horrible day for a ball game, high winds and on and off rain. The game went on delay 3 times because of rain and some lightening. So our season is officially over and we came in 3rd place. Not to bad, but hopefully we will do better next year.
Surprisingly, Alexis was ok with not winning which was a big change from years passed where the girls have been so upset about not taking 1st that they end up crying! I guess she really is growing up!


michelle said...

its a shame they lost but i know u will be glad for a change of pace. this means we gotta plan some day trips!!

Memories of us said...

Ok, so where would you like to go?? Beach??

ALexis leaves for overnight camp on the 4th so we have to hurry or leave her behind! LOL