About 3 weeks ago Jillian started taking her first steps. about a week later she was able to make it 1/2 way across the living room and now she is all over the place. I can't believe how fast this first has gone by. She will be 1 already at the end of next month. 2 weeks ago she moved up to the new class at daycare! She seemed so little to be in there already.. but has done great and I think she started to get a little bored in the old classroom because most of the babies were under 6 months. The other day I walked in to pick her up and she was just sitting there on a little chair in front of the table having her snack.. she seemed like such a big girl out of the high chair. They have even gotten her to nap on a mat which I can't even imagine doing here at home!
I know my pictures are a little out of order but I didn't feel like fixing them. Last Friday Aunt Crystal (or titi, as the girls call her) came for a visit and stayed with us til Monday. We haven't seen her in a while and it was so nice having her here. It was so weird for me seeing her now that she is totally grown up and in college. I still think of her as the little 5 year old that she was when I met her. She looks a lot like what I imagine Alexis to look like when she is 20.
On Valentine's day when I woke up, Ed gave me a card with first level Kenny Chesney tickets!!!
Grandma Smith came over and Ed cooked dinner for all of us girls! It was so sweet of him. He and I celebrated alone on Sunday and went to dinner. I figured it would be so crowded on Saturday. Then Sunday I finally went to see Twilight with Kristen and Crystal. The only place that was still showing it was like 45 minutes from here. It was an ok movie, but after reading the book it was a little disappointing.
I guess the book is always better than the movie. :(
I loved these cute little PJ's that Jillian got from Grandma Smith. Hopefully my little video clip at the bottom will work. It took for ever to upload and looks like it only got 1/2 of the video.
First Steps
Video works great and love those Valentine's pjs.
I know how you feel about the girls growing up. Ashley tells me I am her best friend and I just love it because one day I know I won't be :-(
I love the Valentine's Day PJs... The heart on the butt is way too cute!!
oh my god, love the video!!
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