Sunday, March 1, 2009

11 Months

Jillian turned 11 months on the 26th of February! I have been so relaxed with taking pictures that when I went to post this I realized I had not taken any of her in the last month other than on Valentine's day.. so I got the camera out and tried to get in a few shots. She was not at all cooperative! I wasn't able to get her to look at me at all.

So then I had Marissa try to hold her still so I could get a picture. Her face in this shot looks so defeated! LOL. It cracks me up. She was about 2 seconds from screaming at the top pf her lungs so that Marissa would let her hands free!

She is now totally walking and starting to say just a few words. Of all the words to say first.. she says "eyes" We started teaching her eyes nose and mouth and pointing to them on our faces and then on hers. Well she finally picked up where everyone's eyes are and now that is pretty much the only word she says other than the occasional "mama" when she is upset!

When I get her out of her crib in the morning she grabs at my eyelashes and says "eyes, eyes". Kind of funny!

Most of the time she is pretty laid back and very lovey. She will randomly just come over and put her head on my shoulder or give me a big slobbery baby kiss with her mouth wide open and then start cracking up! Ed and I have been so on the fence on whether to have one more baby or just leave it at three. On a good day.. I'm all for it, on a stressful day I can't even think about it! So we will shall see! It doesn't help that we have 10 friends right now that are pregnant! I keep thinking that down the road Jillian would like to have a sibling closer to her age! I just keep going back an forth with it. I do know that IF we decide on more I want to be pregnant before I turn 35 which gives us about 2 and 1/2 years to decide, but then again I don't really want them that far apart! uughh decisions, decisions!!!


michelle said...

if u do it, def do it closer in age if u can manage. and it might take awhile also so... maybe u should just "practice" and see what happens!

Memories of us said...

Somedays I want to so bad, but then I get so nervous about everything.. space in my house.. money.. my sanity... still being able to have time for Ed.. it's crazy!

Just Me said...

Ha! Don't ask me for my opinion! Although like Michelle said, you could always practice :)