Saturday, November 29, 2008

Happy Thanksgiving

We spent Thanksgiving day in Peddler's Village at the Cock N Bull Restaurant the same as we have for the last 5 years. 5 years ago when Ed's dad passed away just a little before Thanksgiving his mom decided not to stay in and cook all day but came up with the idea of going out for Thanksgiving dinner and we have done it every since. The first year it was just Ed, me, his mom and the girls. Some years we have had as many as 22 family members with us but this year... it was back to where we started but with one extra little girl ( Jillian). I love all of the little shops in Peddler's Village but unfortunately most of them are closed on Thanksgiving day so we usually just eat and then head back to someone's house. This year we spent the evening at his Ed's cousin Janice's for dessert and watching some old slides of their family.

Fake smiles...

and then Alexis started slipping off of the railing ....
Real smiles!

Just the 6 of us this year!!!

Maybe some day one of us will decide to go back to cooking and staying home but I don;t think it will be any time soon! This place has a delicious Thanksgiving dinner and the best part is that none of us have to clean it all up!!


Tracy's Porch said...

Fabulous photos. That little village looks adorable! I'm with y'all - the easier the better!!!

michelle said...

sooooo cute. you all look great. i knwo so many people that eat out on thanksgiving. why not??