Wednesday, September 3, 2008

Bus stop

Ok just want to see what other people's opinions are about something I'm nervous about. This year the bus stop for Alexis (who is 11 and in 6th grade) is about 3 blocks from our house which would mean she would have to walk out of our development on to the sidewalk of a busy high way and 2 streets down to catch the bus. I'm thinking in the winter it will still be dark when she leaves to catch the bus, so today I decided that I will just drive her in to school everyday. Who thinks I'm crazy and that she is old enough to go alone? Does anyone agree with me that that is ridiculous to have her walk in the dark three blocks away alone? I know I'm a paranoid mom, but I also think I don't want to treat her like a baby. If you are reading this please let me know what your thoughts are!!!


Tracy's Porch said...

Stacie - I'm with you...I'd be nervous! Granted my daughter is only two but I'm trying to think ahead and I wouldn't feel good about it. I say go with your "mom"stink on this one!

Loved all the Back to School pix and Jillian in her PJs. Too cute. I hope they have a good day - especially Alexis in middle school. WOW!

michelle said...

what does alexis say? are there any other kids for her to walk with? i would say that is a deciding factor. if so, i would totally let her. esp if its a group of kids.

Memories of us said...

I'm not sure who else walks to the bus stop. There may be 2 other kids, but I'm not sure if they get a ride or go to the bus stop. I thought about walking with her to the stop but then Ed told me she would get made fun of if I did that!! LOL

zarnic said...

I say drive her to school. You will not be the only parent. I work in a high school and a ton of kids get dropped off and picked up by their parents. It never seems to be a big deal.

I am still in schock that she is in middle school. It brings me back to our middle school days. WOW!!!
You know what, my mom dropped me off and I do not remember minding it at all. She also picked up half the neighborhood on the way because a lot of parents wanted their kids dropped off at school instead of waiting for a bus in the dark.